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HMD Specific Information

HP Omnicept (Glia)

The Cognitive3D SDK requires a reference to the Omnicept Assembly - but the Omnicept SDK Version 1.14 does not include these required files. This can be fixed in the Project Setup Window.

Vive Pro Eye (SRAnipal)

The Cognitive3D SDK requires a reference to the SRAnipal Assembly - but the SRAnipal SDK Version does not include these required files. This can be fixed in the Project Setup Window.

Vive Pro EyeSetup

Import the Vive-SRanipal-Unity-Plugin.unitypackage into your project. In your scene, add a new GameObject and add the SRanipal_Eye_Framework component. Make sure the SR_Runtime is running and you have calibrated the eye tracker using the SteamVR calibration tool.

It is recommended to set Enable Eye Data Callback to true on the SRanipal Eye Framework prefab, but this is not required.

Vive Wave

Eye Tracking for headsets using this SDK will need the Eye Tracking option in WaveXRSettings enabled. See the Wave Unity SDK documentation for details.

Pupil Labs Vive Add-on


The Pupil Labs Unity SDK requires Unity 2018.3 or newer

  1. Install the Vive Add-On
  2. Download the Pupil Software and run Pupil Capture.exe
  3. Download and import the Hmd-Eyes.VR.v1.0.unitypackage
  4. Add the Assets/Plugins/Pupil/Prefabs/Gaze Tracker prefab into your scene. In that prefab:
    • Select the Gaze Visualizer GameObject and set the Gaze Origin variable to the Main Camera
    • Select the Calibration Controller GameObject and set the Camera variable to the Main Camera
    • Select the Connection GameObject and check that the Port matches the settings in the Pupil Capture.exe
    • Open the Project Settings from the Edit Menu. Select the Player category. Then:
    • Set the Scripting Runtime Version to .Net 4.x Equivalent
    • Set the API Compatibility Level to .Net 4.x
  5. Open the Cognitive Scene Setup. Select Pupil Labs SDK. Continue through the setup process.
  6. It is recommended that you select the CognitiveVR_Manager and disable Initialize On Start and enable Initialize After Calibration

Play and press C to begin calibrating the Pupil Labs eye tracking.

Camera Focus

If the Pupil Labs cameras are not correctly focused, they may not correctly record eye position

Leap Motion Controller 4.0.0

The implementation below for Leap Motion Controller does not record the full articulation of each finger, just the transform of each palm.

Leap Motion Interaction Module requires Unity 2017.2 or newer.

Leap Motion Setup

  1. Add a Leap Rig prefab into your scene
  2. Add a LoPoly Rigged Hand Left and Right parented to the Leap Rig/Hand Models GameObject
  3. On the Hand Models gameobject, in the Hand Model Manager component, replace the Left Model and Right Model fields with the LoPoly Rigged Hand GameObjects
  4. Delete the Capsule Hand GameObjects
  5. Add Dynamic Object components to the LoPoly Rigged Hand Left/L_Wrist/L_Palm. Make sure to select deselect Custom Mesh and choose Leap Motion Hand Left from the dropdown. Repeat this for the right hand.

Common Hand Events

Using the Detector components (such as FingerDirectionDetector, PalmDirectionDetector, etc) from the Leap Motion Interaction module, you can easily add Dynamic Object Engagements to a Hand Dynamic Object. Here is an example setup:

leapmotion point event

The script used in this example is:

using UnityEngine;
public class EngagementEvent : MonoBehaviour
    public CognitiveVR.DynamicObject TargetDynamic;
    public string EngagementName = "point";

    public void BeginEngagement()
        if (TargetDynamic != null)

    public void EndEngagement()
        if (TargetDynamic != null)

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