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Using the Cognitive3D SDK for Unreal

Welcome! This SDK for Unreal integrates your project with Cognitive3D, which provides analytics and insights about your participant's behavior in VR and AR. In addition, Cognitive3D empowers you to take actions that will improve participants' engagement with your experience.

This SDK is in development and changes should be expected! Please get in touch if you experience any issues.

This plugin requires Unreal version 4.26.2 or newer. If you are using a newer version, please check Troubleshooting.

Step 1: Sign up

If you have not already done so, please book a demo at

Step 2: Download the SDK

Our plugin is available on our Github Release page.

Step 3: Import the SDK


Your Unreal project must be a C++ project to use plugins. To convert a Blueprint Project to a C++ project, see Troubleshooting

Extract the plugin into your project directory. Rename the plugin folder to "Plugins".


Step 4: Configure build.cs

Close the Unreal Editor (if it is open). There are additional platform configurations that can be enabled in the Cognitive3D.Build.cs file. You can find this file in the Plugin folder (YourProjectFolder/Plugins/Cognitive3D/Source/Cognitive3D/Cognitive3D.Build.cs). See Third Party SDK Features.

Step 5: Compile

At this point you can open the project through the Epic Games Launcher. When you launch the project from the Epic Games Launcher, you will be prompted to download the GLTF Exporter plugin from the marketplace. On UE5.1 or later, this will instead use the GLTF Exporter plugin shipped with the engine. You will be prompted to recompile your project and the Cognitive3D Plugin. If the plugin is loaded correctly, it will be visible in the Plugins window.

Plugins Window

Step 6: Open the Project Setup Window

From the Cognitive3D menu, open the Project Setup Window


Follow the instructions in the Project Setup Window to configure your project. You will need to have your Developer Key from the Dashboard.

project setup window

Step 7: Open the Scene Setup Window

Afterward, you will be prompted to open the Scene Setup Window to export your Level Geometry and upload this to our dashboard.

project setup window

When this process is complete, you will notice a new BP_Cognitive3DActor in your level. This Actor is configured to automatically start collecting basic data.


Press Play in the Editor and you will see a new session on the Dashboard. See Feature Overview for the next steps.

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