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There are five core components of our analytics SDK:

  1. Projects - can be thought of as silos of data. A single VR app would be a Project.
  2. Scenes - almost identical to Unreal Levels. Scenes are where participant sessions exist. Scenes contain static geometry.
  3. Participant - the person interacting with your experience - your end user. This might be an employee going through training, a person from your focus group, etc.
  4. Dynamic Objects - 3D objects that you would like to track. Dynamic Objects contain their own gaze and movement data. A product on a shelf of a retail scene would be a Dynamic Object, but a permanent, non-moving cash register would not.
  5. Gaze - Participant gaze is recorded every 10 milliseconds by default. Gaze includes participant position and the exact 3D position a participant looked at. If a participant Gazes at a Dynamic Object, that Gaze is assigned to that Object.
  6. Events - Participant actions that are recorded to our cloud. Events can be anything from "Purchased Product" to "Training Completed". Each Event can have sub-properties, such as "Product Name" or "Training Type".

You should also be familiar with many Unreal Specific terms, including:

  • Actor - an object that can be placed in the Level. Often holds a number of components
  • Widget - a User Interface element that display some information.
  • Actor Component - adds additional functionality and logic to an Actor
  • Blueprint Actor - an asset in Unreal that defines a new class or type of Actor
  • Blueprint Visual Scripting - the visual scripting system

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