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There are a few core concepts of our analytics SDK that you will likely be interacting with:

  1. Scenes - almost identical to Unity Scenes. On our dashboard, Scenes are identified with a unique SceneID and usually contain geometry. When a participant begins their experience the session data is saved to a scene.
  2. Projects - these are collections of related scenes. A participant may change scenes during their experience.
  3. Participant - the person interacting with your experience - your end user. This might be a player of your game, an employee going through training, or a person from your focus groupĀ .
  4. Dynamic Objects - 3D objects that you would like to track. Dynamic Objects describe how a mesh moves and how it is looked at by the Participant. (We refer to looking at a dynamic object as gazing at it.) A stationary object can also benefit from a Dynamic Object component to isolate gaze events and to be used in Objectives.
  5. Gaze - Participant gaze is recorded every 100 milliseconds (10 Hz). Gaze includes the Participant's position and the exact 3D position a Participant looked at. If a participant Gazes at a Dynamic Object, that Gaze is assigned to that object.
  6. Fixations - Requires eye tracking hardware. This is more accurate than Gaze and can be assumed to be where a participant if focusing. More information is available here on the fixations page.
  7. Events - Any discrete action that is recorded. Events can be anything from "Purchased Product" to "Training Completed". Each Event can have sub-properties, such as "Product Name" or "Training Type".

You should also be familiar with Unity Specific terms, including:

  • Canvas - a component on a GameObject used to display a User Interface.
  • Prefab - an asset in Unity that defines a pre-authored GameObject that has common properties between each instance.

intercom If you have a question or any feedback about our documentation please use the Intercom button (purple circle) in the lower right corner of any web page.