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Advanced Options

Cognitive Preferences

From the Cognitive3D menu, select Preferences to open the Cognitive3D_Preferences asset.


  • Application Key - This is used to send your data to your project. This is available on the Dashboard.
  • Attribution Key - This is used to send events to your project from outside the VR app. This is available in the Administration page on the Dashboard.
  • Enable Logging - This will display Cognitive3D specific logs. This is useful for setting up the SDK, but this should be disabled before release.
  • Enable Development Logging - Displays a detailed logs for serious troubleshooting. This should be disabled before release.

Player Tracking

  • Record Gaze - This can be disabled to skip tracking the player's gaze in the world. It will still record their head position
  • Dynamic Object Search in Parent - This allows dynamic object components to use child colliders to track gaze.
  • Gaze Layer Mask - Allows you to skip certain physics layers when calculating gaze
  • Dynamic Object Layer Mask - Allows you to skip certain physics layers when calculating gaze specifically for Dynamic Objects
  • Gaze Query Trigger Interaction - Allows you to hit or skip triggers when calculating gaze
  • Record Floor Position - Record the floor position beneath the HMD position. Uses a physics raycast to determine position.


These options require adding C3D_LOCATION to the scripting define symbol in Project Settings. See Troubleshooting for details.

  • Record GPS Location with HMD Position - Enables recording GPS and compass data. This relies on devices that have a GPS chip, such as mobile phones in an augmented reality context, and provides precision specificity on the users location (such as lat/long).

    Note Please note GPS Location with HMD Position is not the same as the functionally necessary collection of device Geolocation. Geolocation data does not provide precise location data just a best case assumption of where the user is located which typically populates the Country, State, and City fields (when available).

  • GPS Accuracy - Sets the desired accuracy of the GPS and the distance the device must move before this data is refreshed.

Sending Data Batches

  • Automatic Send Timer - The time (in seconds) to automatically send any outstanding data
  • Gaze Snapshot Batch Size - The number of gaze events that are recorded before automatically sent to SceneExplorer
  • Event Snapshot Batch Size - The number of custom events that are recorded before automatically sent to SceneExplorer
  • Dynamic Snapshot Batch Size - The number of dynamic object events that are recorded before automatically sent to SceneExplorer
  • Sensor Snapshot Batch Size - The number of sensor events that are recorded before automatically sent to SceneExplorer
  • Fixation Snapshot Batch Size - The number of Fixations that are recorded before they are automatically sent to the Dashboard

Local Data Cache

  • Save data to Local Cache if no internet connection - Enables creating a Local Data Cache file in the Application's Persistent Data Path
  • Cache Size - The maximum size of the Local Data Cache. If this is at capacity, data that can't reach the internet will not be saved
  • Upload Local Cache Rate - The number of outstanding data requests that will be read from the Local Data Cache and sent whenever there is a successful response from the Cognitive3D Dashboard

The Local Cache allows sessions to be recorded even without an internet connection. It is enabled by default to hold 100MB of session data and to upload that data slowly if a session is running and internet is available.

Sending Data

  • Custom Gateway - Sets a custom endpoint domain for data collection. You probably don't need to change this!

Scene Export

The currently active scene and version number is displayed. This requires the scene is exported and uploaded to SceneExplorer. It is generally recommended you use the Scene Setup Window to upload a scene.

  • Texture Export Quality - Export and Scale required textures. Lower resolutions load faster in SceneExplorer
  • Export Lowest LOD from LODGroup components - If LOD components are found in the scene, the lowest LOD mesh will be exported. If unchecked, the highest resolution mesh will be exported.
  • Export AO Maps - Skips exporting Ambient Occlusion maps from standard shaders. These maps display with incorrect UVs when exported in the GLTF format.
  • Export will export the scene to a folder in the root directory of the project. You can examine or modify the scene
  • Upload will upload the scene to SceneExplorer (either as a new scene or a new version)
  • Refresh Latest Scene Versions gets the current scene's version number and version id from SceneExplorer. This happens automatically after a scene is uploaded
  • Scene Settings is a collection of all the scene data needed by the project

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