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Pre-Launch Checklist

If you are having issues with the SDK, please check the following items to ensure you have everything set-up correctly. If you are still stuck, please contact us immediately.


Account Setup

  • Do you have an account on the Cognitive3D dashboard?
  • Have you created a "Project" yet?
  • Have you generated your API keys?
  • Is the Application API key correctly entered when you complete the Project Setup window Cognitive3D -> Project Setup ?

Dynamic Objects

It is highly recommended to set these up before you do the Scene Setup Wizard:

  • Have you added the "Dynamic Object" component to all of the non-static objects you wish to track in your scene? (Gaze will be tracked across the entire scene as well, but it is important that you specifically tag objects)
  • Are all Dynamic Objects named properly? (The name of the GameObject will be used as the name of the Dynamic Object.)
  • Do all Dynamic Objects have colliders attached? (Any Colliders on child GameObjects will be assumed belong to the parent Dynamic Object)
  • Are the colliders on your Dynamic Objects properly aligned with the mesh? (We capture gaze on these colliders, so they must be accurate to your meshes)
  • Do your Dynamic Objects have any parents with Colliders that might interfere, overlap, or block participant gaze? (Tracking gaze on Dynamic Objects is done via Physics Raycasts. As such, gaze will NOT be captured if there are rogue colliders in between the participant and a given Dynamic Object)


Scene Setup

  • Is the Scene uploaded to the Dashboard?
  • Is the Scene accessible and loading on SceneExplorer?
  • Is the base geometry visible in SceneExplorer correct? (verify visually)

Dynamic Objects post upload

  • Are all Dynamic Objects named properly? The name of the GameObject will be used as the name of the Dynamic Object.
  • Do all Dynamic Objects have colliders attached? (Colliders on child Game Objects is perfectly fine)
  • Are the colliders on your Dynamic Objects properly aligned with the mesh? (We capture gaze on these colliders, so they must be accurate to your meshes)
  • Do your Dynamic Objects have any parents with Colliders that might interfere, overlap, or block participant gaze?
  • Have you uploaded all of your Dynamic Objects? There is no need to re-upload unless you change Dynamic Object names or meshes. Adjusting or adding colliders does NOT require a re-upload.


If you do not wish to create any ExitPoll questions, skip this section.

  • Have you created any ExitPoll Hooks?
  • Have you implemented these Hooks properly in your project? The hook names in your app's code must match exactly with what you created on the dashboard.
  • Have you created any Question Sets?
  • Have you assigned your ExitPoll Hook(s) to the correct Question Set AND Question Set Version?
  • Have you seen your ExitPoll questions successfully appear inside your app?
  • For Voice Responses, have you successfully tested a Voice Response AND played it back on the ExitPoll results page?

Verify Data

  • Open SceneExplorer. Are any sessions uploaded?
  • Can you see gaze coming through properly from your participant sessions? (You can open the "Gaze" dropdown and select "Draw Line" to see the participants' gaze line)
  • If you are using Eye Tracking, can you see the Participants' gaze independent of the headset rotation?
  • If you are using Eye Tracking, does the calibration look correct in your tests sessions?
  • Are the Dynamic Objects in your scene receiving heatmaps / gaze? There will be NO heatmaps drawn on your objects unless gaze is successfully recorded on those objects.

intercom If you have a question or any feedback about our documentation please use the Intercom button (purple circle) in the lower right corner of any web page.