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Dynamic Objects

The Dynamic Objects page holds many tools for examining aggregated data on key objects in your Scene.

gallery view

This is the first view you will see. There are thumbnails for each Dynamic Object in the Scene.

The Mode buttons allow you to switch the display mode between Objects and Groups - see Manage Groups below.

The Sort by dropdown allows you to organize the Dynamic Objects by various Metrics. This includes an option to sort Dynamic Objects that are referenced by Custom Events.

The Download Object Data allows you to download all aggregated data available for every Dynamic Object Instance in the Scene. When the Group Mode is selected, this instance data will be organized into Dynamic Objects Groups instead of Dynamic Object Instances.

The Gallery/Table buttons offer an alternate way of displaying this data.

Dynamic Object Details View

When you click on a thumbnail in the Gallery, you will be shown a 3D view of this Dynamic Object and a list of Metrics.


At the top of the page there is a Download All Session Object Data button, which downloads csv gaze or fixation aggregate data.

The 3D view has the same controls as Scene Viewer - left mouse button to rotate, right mouse button to pan. There are controls above the 3D view to view aggregated Gaze and Fixation data on the Dynamic Object. This can be viewed either as a Heatmap or Cubes.

The Heatmap Settings button opens settings for Distance Cap, which manipulates the distance that is considered from each gaze point, Opacity, Filter Count Size, which trims gaze points based on the gaze counts per point of aggregation and Logarithmic Scale, which transforms gaze point counts to a logarithmic scale.

In the 3D view there is a button to display the Bounding Box of the Dynamic Object Mesh (in green) and the Bounding Box of recorded Gaze Points (in purple). There is also a screenshot button for capturing the dynamic object displayed.

At the bottom of the Dynamic Object Details page is a list of aggregated metrics from all the Session this has appeared in. All Metrics on this page have a tooltip to describe how the value was calculated.

If opening this page from the Group Mode in the Gallery View, you will see the aggregated Group data instead.

Manage Groups

Dynamic Object Groups allow you to organize data from similar Dynamic Objects together, often revealing important insights. Press the Manage Groups button to open the Manage Object Groups Screen.

dynamic groups screen

On the Sidebar, you can create a New Category. A Category contains a number of Groups.

Under the Category on the Sidebar, you can create a New Group. Each Group hold a number of Dynamic Objects. Groups are mutually exclusive - if a Dynamic Object is in one it cannot be in another.

When a Category and Group are created, you can rename them with the text fields at the top of the Left column.

To add a Dynamic Object to the selected Group, drag and drop the Unassigned Dynamic Object from the Right column to the Left column. Shift + Left Click will allow you to select multiple Dynamic Objects in a sequence. Control + Left Click will allow you to select individual Dynamic Objects.

Example Use Case - Consumer Research

Let's say you conducting a study with a focus group for buying products in an immersive store. You are testing the effectiveness of your product in large and small sizes and your competitor's product also offers large and small sizes.

A useful Category might be the Brand - all your products would be in one Group and all your competitor's products in another Group.

dynamic group brand

Another useful Category might be the product size - one Group for all the large size products and one Group for all the small size products, regardless of owner. After creating these Groups, they can be selected on the Gallery View page. You can Sort By which Group was most looked at (Average Fixation Time) or caught the Participant's attention (Average Sequence Order).

Now we can start to see how these products compare. Does one brand perform better? Does one size perform better? Do Participants prefer a certain brand or do they prefer a certain size more? Sort by the number of Purchase Events - does this correlate with Fixation Time?

dynamic group purchase events

These tools allow you to see how Participants engage with a specific Object or Group. Quickly comparing metrics allows you to investigate more aspects of Participant behaviours and reach the valuable insights faster.

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