Media Library
Cognitive3D can record gaze on 360 videos, 360 images, as well as standard 2D videos and photos in your Projects. This page is a repository for all the Media Assets that exist in your Scenes. See the Scene Media for details about recording data on Media Assets during a Session.
The first step is to upload your Media Asset to the platform. Press Upload New Media. You may upload 360 videos, 360 photos, 2D videos, or 2D photos.
You may notice that Media is uploaded at the Project level, so it is not linked to a specific Scene. This means you can upload media once and display it in multiple environments.
Media Assets are displayed in a list with the following details:
- Name of the media
- Media Type and format
- Created At is the date when this Media Asset was uploaded to the Dashboard
- Media Appears In lists the number of Scenes that reference this Media Asset
- Play displays a popup to link the Scenes that reference this Media Asset
- Settings displays a popup with the Media ID (used in the SDK) and an option to delete this Media Asset
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