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Session Tags

Session Tags allow you to be able to mark and filter Session data. This can be used for A/B testing metrics or simply indicating noteworthy sessions. There is a limit of 100 tags per organization and 10 tags per session.

Session Tag Page

You can manage Session Tags via the Session Tag Page in the Administration tab. Here you can create, view, and edit your organizations' Session Tags.

session tag page

Creating Tags

You can create session tags from the Session Tag Page, or by clicking the CREATE NEW option in the Apply Session Tag dropdown menu

apply session tag dropdown

You will have the option to set the name, color, and associated projects. create session tag modal

Tag colors are purely for aesthetics and visual organization, and does not have any functional differences.

You can choose which projects the Session Tag will show up on. If you select all (or none) of the projects, it will be considered an Organization-Level Tag and show on all pages, including projects you create in the future. Associated Projects can always be changed later on by clicking on the "Edit" button.


When creating a new Session Tag, the tag must not exceed 12 characters.

Setting Tags

Tags can be created and applied to Sessions on the Dashboard on the Sessions List, Session Details, and Insights pages. Press the tag icon on the Session to open the tag dropdown. To change tags on multiple sessions at once, you can select Sessions from the list and use the Add Tag and Remove Tag buttons in the header.

new session tags


Tags can be set during a session from within Unity and Unreal.

Filtering by Tags

When selecting the Filter by Tag on a Scene page, only Sessions that include the selected Tag will have their metrics included in the following places:

  • All pages with the metrics: Session Counts, Last Session, Avg. Session Duration, Total Session Time, etc.
  • Dynamic Object metrics
  • ExitPoll
  • Objectives (including xAPI results)
  • Exported csv data
  • Demographics

session tag filter

Test Mode

test mode warning

Test Mode will be activated when all your current sessions in a scene are marked with the test or junk tag. This will temporarily show aggregate data on all scene-level pages. This allows you to test and try out the dashboard before running real data. Once a full session comes through, test and junk session data are excluded from aggregate data results. View more about how test/junk sessions work here.

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